Deakin, Immeubles Deakin Realty

Notre Blogue

Intro to Revenue Properties

Introduction aux Immeubles à Revenus

Cette année, nous avons constaté une hausse marquée du nombre de clients intéressés par l’idée d’être propriétaire d’un immeuble à revenus. La volatilité du marché boursier en 2020 est déroutante. Il n’est donc pas surprenant que les particuliers cherchent un endroit plus sûr pour investir – « la brique et le mortier ». Les performances du marché immobilier local ont été exceptionnelles, le prix médian ayant augmenté de 47 % au cours des cinq dernières années seulement. L’appréciation continue du marché immobilier, accompagnée de taux d’intérêt historiquement bas, donne l’impression qu’il va de soi de diversifier son portefeuille en investissant dans l’immobilier.

Être propriétaire d’un immeuble à revenus s’accompagne de la responsabilité d’être un locateur, ce qui peut être une expérience à la fois enrichissante et stimulante.


La propriété immobilière vous permet de gagner un revenu passif grâce à votre épargne, tout en augmentant la valeur nette avec le loyer de vos locataires. Au fil du temps, un propriétaire peut augmenter les revenus locatifs grâce à de petites améliorations qui généreront un rendement positif du capital investi en termes de liquidités et de la valeur marchande de la propriété. Beaucoup de nos clients apprécient tout simplement la possibilité d’avoir un plus grand contrôle sur leur investissement.


La propriété va de pair avec la responsabilité – les choses peuvent se briser ou mal fonctionner et comme vous êtes le propriétaire, vous êtes l’ultime responsable. Les réparations périodiques sont normales et il est important d’avoir un plan et un budget d’entretien et de réparations. De plus, les locataires ne traitent pas en règle générale votre propriété comme si elle leur appartenait, vous devez donc être prêt à vous retrousser les manches durant l’intervalle entre deux locataires pour rafraîchir la propriété. Le choix du bon locataire revêt la plus haute importance. Enfin, bien que le taux d’inoccupation soit très faible, vous pouvez être confronté à des périodes de revenus locatifs réduits, voire même nuls. Vous devez être financièrement en mesure de supporter les coûts afférents à court terme.


Pour la plupart des investisseurs, le premier achat est le plus grand saut dans l’inconnu, et vous devez être à l’aise. C’est pourquoi la plupart commencent par une petite maison individuelle, une maison de plain-pied solide ou peut-être une maison en rangée ou un condominium. Ce type d’habitation est généralement facile à louer, facile à entretenir et encore assez abordable. Un duplex ou un triplex peut également être envisagé, bien qu’il n’y ait pas beaucoup d’options dans l’Ouest-de-l’Île et qu’ils soient très prisés, de sorte qu’il est difficile d’en trouver un avec un bon potentiel de rendement. Il vaut beaucoup mieux être représenté par un agent immobilier expérimenté qui vous guidera dans ce processus d’achat. Nous disposons d’outils pour vous permettre d’évaluer les différentes possibilités et nous pouvons vous orienter vers l’option d'investissement qui convient le mieux à votre situation et à votre tolérance au risque.


Recherchez des propriétés bien situées où il y aura toujours une demande de location. Nous avons constaté que les propriétés dont le loyer se situe entre 1 500 $ et 3 000 $ par mois offrent le profil de locataire le plus stable (professionnels, petites familles). Pour des rendements plus élevés, les appartements multirésidentiels comme à Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue sont intéressants en raison d’une importante population étudiante. Il est important de choisir des étudiants de deuxième ou troisième cycle ou de faire cosigner le bail par les parents afin de protéger votre investissement.

Il est également important d’avoir de bonnes connexions/contacts avec des gens de métier dans votre réseau afin de toujours pouvoir obtenir de l’aide en cas de réparations imprévues.

Consultez un comptable pour voir comment votre achat initial et les coûts associés pourraient vous aider à réaliser des économies d’impôt sur le revenu.

Séparez l’investissement de votre propre maison! Cela est délicat, mais un propriétaire doit apprendre à distinguer ce qui est sensé dans un logement locatif de ce qu’il ferait dans sa maison. Les considérations sont différentes selon qu’il s’agit de rechercher un rendement du capital investi ou de rénover ou moderniser sa propre résidence. Vous voulez offrir un environnement sûr et propre aux locataires, mais il y aura une différence en termes de qualité et de matériaux utilisés dans un logement locatif.

Enfin, soyez patient. Dans notre marché, les options d’investissement de qualité sont peu nombreuses. Avoir les liquidités et le financement prêts et en place est une première étape importante, mais ne sautez pas sur la première option que vous envisagez. Il est essentiel qu’un expert local présente et évalue les options.

Chaque année, notre agence aide des dizaines d’investisseurs à acheter et à vendre des immeubles à revenus. Appelez-nous et nous serons heureux de prendre le temps de vous rencontrer et de vous expliquer comment nous pouvons vous aider dans vos démarches.

I was really worried about finding the "right" person to work with my Mom. Your approach, patience and sense of humour won her over right away, and your follow up has given all of us a lot of comfort through this. Jay, I could not imagine a better fit.


We realized that we were dealing with a real estate “advisor” - who not only knows the local market and homeowners themselves, but an individual that thinks outside the box and brings creativity and enthusiasm to a profession that he truly loves.

Mark & Kelly

We would like to thank you again for helping us find a great home and for all of your advice over the past couple of months. We'll definitely recommend you to our friends...

Christina & Rob

Thank you for your prompt advice and help. It was nice to feel welcome to call you and have your support.

Eric & Janice

Thank you Jay, Nancy and Alexa for all your work! I really appreciate the attention to detail and your thoughtfulness throughout the selling process


Thank you for a job well done. We’re both so excited to have clinched the deal of the year in Beaconsfield.

Denise & Gary

You thought of every detail inside and out - a job well done to you and your team!


Your help & professionalism throughout the buying process, and your ‘words of wisdom’ during our selling process have been greatly appreciated.

Sophie & Mark

To the Deakin team - thank you for going above and beyond!


The Deakin team made our relocation from Halifax a pleasurable experience. Their professionalism and knowledge of the real estate market helped us find the perfect home.

Jason & Shannon

Deakin Realty provides their clients with total professional, businesslike, and enthusiastic care. They talk to you. They get results. What more could you look for in a real estate firm?

Walter & Pamela

Having such a well organized group looking after us made our house hunting trip all the easier…those added touches you do really make all the difference between ‘good’ and ‘the best’.

Laura & Daniel

We really wanted to take the time to properly thank you. You were always there for us, and put alot of time into our home with all the advice and visits. We really appreciate it! You'll always come highly recommended by us.


Thank you so much for all your time, help, advice and patience in getting my house sold. I really appreciate it!


Your knowledge of the housing market was critical in helping manage the sale of our condo and the purchase of our new home. The practical and helpful recommendations made things easy on both ends.

Rob & Sonia

You have a way of treating your clients as they are you only client. You always responded within hours of a call. That is what I call great customer service.


Thanks for everything, as you can imagine we have every reason to be grateful for your help.

George & Martha

You did everything we asked for and more, and talked me off the ledge more than once. We were so impressed, and we wouldn't hesitate to recommend you to others.

Pamela & Doug

Thanks again for all your help, advice and patience during the purchase process. You really went above and beyond the average real estate broker's duty.

Matt & Anita

We would like to thank you so much for all your hard work in finding our first home. Your patience, professionalism, friendship and perseverance was greatly appreciated.

Christina & Kevin

Merci beaucoup Nancy pour ton dévouement et ta patience. Nous sommes très heureux d'avoir fait cette très belle acquisition!


You are incredibly professional even in the throes of an emotional and stressful decision. Thanks for your patience - we are thrilled with our new purchase!

Namta & Sara

The whole experience dealing with you was efficient, seamless and painless. You are a true professional and a good advisor. I felt I was the only client you were dealing with.


You are a true angel in disguise. We can never express our appreciation for the knowledge, service and kindness you have shown.

Jane & Larry

Thank you once again for guiding us through this process. Your ability to balance professionalism and the human aspect of this process is top drawer.


Thanks for understanding our needs and finding our family a great home! We would highly recommend Deakin Realty to anyone who is interested in buying or selling.

The Brown Family

Thanks again for your good work. You were right about the price and the timing for the sale. A celebration is in order!


Thanks for treating us like family!

The Halls

You are a marvel as Mom is so very comfortable with you and John. You are stars and much appreciated.

Cydney & Les

Thank you for everything you have done. It was a wonderful experience selling my house with your help.


I just wanted to thank you for making all of this as easy and painless as possible. Your professionalism, initiative, positive attitude and willingness to take time to explain the process made the deal unfold very smoothly.


Thanks ever so much! It was our lucky day when we met you. You can always count on us as reference for your future clients.


We just wanted to thank you so much for all you've done for us over the last year and a half. We always felt like you were sincerely putting our best interests first throughout this entire process.

James et Amanda

We appreciate all the efforts, dedication and patience you are putting into finding us a house. Thank you for everything that you are doing for us.

Martin, Natalie & the girls

Thanks again for all your help... attention to detail... sanity checks... moral support... hand holding... i.e. the usual wonderful Nancy Deakin service!!

Sandra & Larry

I know you did a lot of hard negotiating to arrive at a mutually satisfactory solution and we need to congratulate you for that. Thanks for your very significant effort.

Mike & Anna

Merci pour tout votre support et votre patience!


You were understanding, professional and endlessly patient throughout this sometimes challenging process. You went out of your way to make it work out, both for us and for our "perfect" buyer.


I appreciated your expertise, competence and advice. These confirmed that my insistence on having you as the sole agent for my property was the right decision.


Encore merci pour nous avoir guidés tout au long de ce processus. Vous offrez l'équilibre parfait entre professionnalisme et humanité.


You listened and went far and beyond what any other real estate organization could or would do. We are happy to say that we consider you a friend and look forward to working with you again.

The Adrian Family

Nancy, thank you for all your hard work and patience, and for not giving up on us during this house hunt.

Stefano, Melissa & Zara

You are truly awesome. Pointe-Claire is a very lucky place to have you guys at the heart of it.


Thanks again for everything you have done to help us through this difficult (more difficult than normal in this case) process, and for your patience with me.

A & M

Nancy, thank you for all your help and invaluable guidance!

Katy & Kevin

Deakin Realty achieved the best possible result: a lease that pleased both landlord and tenant. We were so impressed with Nancy and her team that we asked them to work on another project for our company.

Richard King - Owner – Elm Plaza

Thanks to you and the Deakin team for everything you did for us. We really appreciate working with knowledgeable and experienced business people.

Fred & Lynn

Thank you Jay & the Team for your professionalism and patience. Your market knowledge and detail work helped bring our situation to the next level.

Serge & Elaine

Thanks again for all your help with everything! You were fantastic, and Stef and I are thrilled that we were able to have you as our broker.


Merci d'avoir pris soin de ma mère et ce plus que votre travail ne l'exigeait.


You truly could not have handled this tricky sale better and we will sing your praises to everyone we know.

Jen & Dave

Deakin Realty met all of our objectives and helped make our condo project a success. They are proactive, highly professional and capable of adjusting to changing conditions.

Marc-Andre Legault - Developer - Les Cours Sherbrooke

As a first time buyer, I had a lot of questions and you took the time with me. Not all agents would have done this - I know, since I dealt with others before meeting you.


Thank you for everything John. You have been so dedicated and helpful throughout our journey!


Thank you for taking care of my mother ‘above and beyond the call of duty’


This is just a quick thank-you for all of your wonderful help in finding our first home. We really appreciated your patience, honesty and attentiveness. You may all rest assured that we will recommend Team Deakin.

Sonjali & Devi

Deakin Realty displayed great professionalism in every aspect of their work and in all cases they made sure the transaction was good for all parties.


Thank you very much for all your help in our transactions ... it was a delight working with such a professional!

Patrick Ducharme - Banque Nationale du Canada

I couldn't have imagined this going any smoother than it did. Thanks for a well thought out plan and execution.

Marcel & Liz

I want to thank you for the amazing work done at selling and purchasing my homes. Your dedication, hard work and professionalism are very much appreciated.


Thanks for finding our perfect house. We were out of town and trusted you to make an offer without actually seeing the house. Serious trust and you never let us down.


Thanks for everything you have done. It has truly been a pleasure selling through you.


I would not consider making a sale or purchase in the West Island without involving Deakin Realty


As a non-profit agency, our survival is linked to those people in our community who have the kind of dedication & commitment shown by Deakin Realty. Keep up the good work.

Amcal Family Services

Thank you so much for your support and patience during this difficult time with Mom and the sale of her beloved home. I truly appreciate your kindness.


Merci pour tout! Ça a été un vrai plaisir de vendre par votre intermédiaire!


Thank you for your sensitivity and kindness. We also appreciated your level of professionalism and knowledge in the handling of our file.

Bruce & Lillian

We are so very appreciative of all your efforts in selling our home and finding a new one. The Deakin Realty family is truly professional.

Kathy & Brian

I'm not sure we can ever fully express how much we appreciate all you have helped us with. It has been a stressful time but was made much less so through the referrals you gave us.


Thanks again for your good work. You were right about the price and the timing for the sale! A celebration is in order.


In our business, referrals are important to both the referring party and the receiving side. Thanks so much for a job well done. I hope to refer your family more business.

Peter Blanchard, President - Terramont Real Estate Services